Thursday, May 29, 2008

Truth Is A Bummer! Bad Weather Ahead!

Last night I watched an episode of Boston Legal. If you've never seen it you must, for the entertainment value alone is worth the time. The show however does take advantage of its popularity to hit you with some real truths. Enough to make the sheep (you, me, and 99% of the rest of us) of our society wake up from our hypnotic state. Look for the rerun or find someone to share a recording with. it is: Boston Legal, Season 4, Episode 17, "The Court Supreme". I won't go on about it here, just watch it for yourself.

Then early this year, I remember talking to my group that I named The Cincinnati Pork Belly Traders for the lack of something better. While I could call our group Future1investors as a twist off of my email and online name, that might be too vain. But I do like that nevertheless. Anyhow, we talked earlier this year about how nothing made any sense in the market. When something should have been going down, it went up. When something should have been going up, it went down. One thing became clear. This was no longer the stock market many have grown up with. It is now a market of the people which is influenced by a select group of folks that we put way too much belief into for their supposed wisdom and guidance. Some of these people have been strategically placed within the media as either fixtures or as often guest appearances.

I am going to toot my horn for just a second before continuing here to say a few things.

  1. I look for the truth, the real truth in all people. In their words, and in their actions. In their hearts. I soak it in and I make internal judgments to decide how and if I will react and interact to those people in my future.
  2. I am a rather good though not great researcher. I can find relevant and solid information when needed for the purpose of further educating myself or for making a point or for proving something to the other sheep.
  3. I've said over two years ago, that we were headed towards a recession. This did not come from my own knowledge but rather from the knowledge of others that I, not the other sheep, found to be reliable sources of information, experience and truthfulness.
This is no longer the stock market many have grown up with. As I wrote above, it is a market of the people which is influenced by a select group of folks that we put way too much belief into for their supposed wisdom and guidance.

The market does not make sense because of these people. We are by and large just sheep that are guided by the sheep-herders of the world. We believe most of everything we are told through the media these days. The media is the

great leveraging tool of the sheep-herders. Someone who I won't mention said in a recent presidency: "If you say it enough times, they will believe it". While this may not be word for word, change it around however you like, the meaning is still there. Sadly, I have seen that even when the truth is presented before us in all its clear white light, most of us sheep are too blind to see it, because we have been conditioned to believe otherwise, regardless of the truth in evidence. This is where our intelligence has been dumbed down, scientifically controlled through our leaders and the sheep-herders, who by the way work for our leaders in one sense or another. In other writings, I've referred to us as the mice and to them as the pied pipers.

So back to: Truth is a bummer! Bad weather ahead!

The truth is, we are headed for an economic slow-down. A recession. History proves that we can not keep forging ahead. Just like stock sectors see necessary corrections, we too will see a major correction before we can resume again on the great road paved in gold.

Now everything we see in the media pretty much tells us to our face that a recession has yet to hit us, or that we are in a recession but it will be minor. We are also told that the bottoms have hit our feet and we shall fall no further. Everyone who isn't a proclaimed god, uses some references to substantiate their thoughts and actions. A while back, I went to an investor club meeting and we reviewed the book by John Mauldin. So powerful is this book that it changed the future outlook for many at this investor club meeting.

Another toot: I told my fellow work-mates that they'd be better off in an international fund. While our few 401k options went south, my international fund soared. I told my work-mates in the summer of 2007 to get out of the market and go to cash. They didn't and so they lost their gains while mine were secured. When I told them it was safe to go back, was when I found out that they had lost ground. After all, who am I to be listened to?
Green Week Disasters
So then yesterday, as I was listening to Fast Money on CNBC while sitting on my deck overlooking the greening stands of trees in front of me and on the horizon, I remember how a few of these guys had me believe in them enough to buy this and that only to later be disappointed by the investment. From day one, I have told those around me not to listen to the media and to the so-called expert analysts. Nevertheless, I tested my own words by buying when they told me to buy and then got hit with the truth which was the opposite of what was being touted on TV. This led me to ponder another CNBC person who many put their faith into: Jim Cramer. Watch this recent video by Don Harrold.

Then I came across another person who goes against the norm (which automatically gives him credibility). He is from SmartKnowledgeU.
The Investment Matrix, p1
So in these three examples alone, I feel vindication of my thoughts and beliefs. And to those of you who have suggested, whatever the market does, do the opposite... You may not be all that crazy!

Further credit to the thinking of K.S. Kim at came after I originally wrote this piece and watched this interview.
Interview with J.S. Kim of SmartKnowledgeU on Morning Talk television program
I am finding out by trial and error, just who are the people to listen to. It has cost me a lot financially but perhaps this market climate and these trials are all a greater part of my vintage future (see a great video and comments). Its no wonder why people like me are taxed so heavily (double meaning there)!

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