Thursday, May 29, 2008

Future1investor’s Indulgences

May 28th from my Vox page

There are very few things out here on the internet that I am genuinely excited about. My Father taught me about the importance of value for your money or in other words "bang for the buck". With that in mind, there is quite a lot to disappoint you. You'll waste hundreds and likely thousands of dollars because giving this trading system, that trading system, an online seminar here, a hotel seminar there, books, lots of books, CDs, DVDs, a try.. is like going to a casino.

You get to put down your money for a chance to win some knowledge. A chance to beat the house, or a chance to do better than the average guy/gal. A chance, just a chance and no guarantees either. Its all just a crap shoot!

Then every once in a blue moon, you might come across a site that delivers all those things, and has value to boot! One such a site is INO TV. I wrote about it a couple days ago here when I talked about Linda Raschke. Hers was one of the totally free video seminars that you can watch on the site even before plunking down even a dollar.

Then if like me you decide to plunk down some cash, you'll find that it is a most reasonable offer. And what do you get? YOU GET A LOT !!!!

For one, you'll find that this is universal training. It isn't tied to just our market here in the good ole U.S. of A. You'll find that it works for people in the U.K., Canada, Germany, China, Australia, simply everywhere.

And if you've ever taken an online course at a college, you know how expensive that can be. And you know that you are limited on time and the course will soon end. So you better have your entire schedule clear so that you can concentrate on your studies and nothing but. Otherwise the money will be gone before you know it and so will the training. INO TV gives you an Ivy League education and you can train at your own pace w/o the fear that it will be gone if you happen to get tied up with real life for a few weeks.

Huge Library!
Thats right, you aren't limited to a small selection of seminars. One price gives you access to this whole huge library of trading seminars. When you were in college, did you ever have a teacher that you just didn't get? That no matter how hard you tried you just weren't going to benefit from attending his/her class? Well my friends, that can happen at a seminar too! But with INO TV, if you find that you just don't "get" a particular trainer, guess what? You can search for another trainer on the same topic! They have a functioning search engine that helps you find exactly what you want. And if you aren't the type to use online search tools, the seminars are laid out in a very logical index as well. So you'll be sure to find the education that you want and need!

Real Life Experience
Unlike some college professors who just learn how to teach and the subject they are teaching in college before they themselves start regurgitating it back onto you; the trainers at INO TV are professionals with real life experience. They are some of the most well known traders in the world and they're available to teach you when you are part of INO TV. There are literally experts on every topic!

Eleven Channels
If you are a beginner, this is the best channel to start with. As you wish to learn more specific topics then move onto such channels as Charts & Analysis, Day Trading, Futures/Commodities, Options Trading, and more.

Great Way To Learn About Trading Systems!
Rather than waste lots of money trying this system or that system, you can find out all about trading systems at INO TV. It will help you choose the system that is right for you and eliminate the random chance. Discard all those trading systems spam emails. Go here first, find out about them on INO TV and decide which one is right for you. You could be saving yourself a huge chunk of change in this area alone! Again, that is what my Father calls value.

Help From Real People
This is the first of five promises you get as an INO TV subscriber. It isn't just a web site that is put up there for you to take down information and then have no support system should you need it. It is run and maintained by real people who are accessible to you either by email (the very most other sites ever offer you) or by phone from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EST Monday thru Friday.

He Rested On the 7th Day
As you can tell, when I believe in something, I can be pretty passionate about it in my writing. Zig Ziglar once taught me that you can not truly convince others how good a product/service is unless you yourself use it on a daily basis. I use MarketClub and INO TV six days a week (Mon-Fri, Sun). Unlike God who rested on the 7th day, I do my R&R on Saturdays. Sunday, I'm preparing for the market on Monday.

Have you ever known you can trust someone just by the way they talk? There are those who you know are not selling you something but showing you common sense. Watch this short video and you decide. You'll meet Adam Hewison one of the co-founders of INO TV. Listen closely to his voice and you'll know and hear exactly what I mean.

Take it from me, one of the normal folks out there. If you tend to have a few indulgences in life, you'll not find a more invaluable indulgence than this one!

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