Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Will You Have A Vintage Future?

Thanks to a great work-mate from my very recent past (James Keegan) and his band Planet4's awesome music video, I am spending time between markets thinking about the value of a vintage future.

So what do you define as a vintage future? If you like the video and you get the meaning, that could be it, or you may formulate your own.
This is how I hope to define mine: I pray that the hopes, dreams, and lessons from my past will take a glorious place in my future. There are many things that shape our lives such as our parents, friends, school, children, adults, habits, passions, money or the lack there of, community, giving, getting, taking, love, hate, rich experiences, experiences we wish we'd not had, marriage, divorce, deaths, births, romance, successes, failures, creativity, the shared lives of others and so much more.

I had my own business for most of my life thus far. It was interrupted in the market crash of 2000. I went to college and got a job working a corporate quality position. After six years and considerable stress and conflict I find myself working on my own again. It feels so right, this is where I'm meant to be. I've made some solid friends along the way. Experienced the trials of some bad relationships and it has all made me a much better person today.

I have a book in the making, more lessons to learn and an enjoyable, promising future ahead in the markets.
This may be 'my vintage future' as seen from my perspective.
Whats yours?

Enjoy this video of Planet4
with front man Jimmy Keegan - Lead Vocals & Second Guitar
Michel Losier - Bass
James Favron - Drums

And Jimmy...
Thanks for remembering me and looking me up. Stay true to Joy and your wonderful family. You are living a rich life my man! You know what I mean. My wishes for great success in all facets of your life. Keep me in mind, perhaps I'll be able to see you and my cousins both in a trip to the north country sometime soon eh? -Future1investor

Bad News Is Good News?

Several reports were out this morning. Among them that housing starts were twice as bad as the permits. Some view that as good news and a cleansing of the inventory. The dollar made a new historic low against the Euro. Some see that as selling more export goods out of the United States helping some business get an extra boost. Financial reports were bad as usual but in-line with expectation which is good. Potash prices are up which is good news for (POT) and copper prices are up and good for companies such as (FCX) and (PCU).

China bubble? China's GDP was reported last night as being up 10.6% which is higher than expected. Last week, it was said that even with China's problems, its growth would still manage 9%.

Intel's (INTC) positive earnings were up 7.1% boosting the tech sector. Among them (AAPL), (DELL), (EBAY).

Oil hit a new high of $114.53 a barrel. Gasoline and heating oil was on a record run.

Shot In the Arm for Solar

Early morning news gave the solar sector a boost before the bell Wednesday. FOX News analyst, FNC panelist, and executive editor of ChangeWave MicroCap Investor Tobin Smith said: "It's not too late to add stocks with huge growth potential like alternative, renewable energy companies, in an interview on BizRadio. " "green" power technology is only in the "first inning" in the U.S. as we are 1) finally approaching grid parity in 2010-11 where solar energy and coal plants will have equivalent costs per watt-hour and 2) the whole world is going to carbon credits, which will turbo-charge this investment sector. Tobin Smith's ChangeWave investing strategy focuses on new technologies that will transform our business and/or living styles.

Stocks up before the bell: 8:47am (FSLR) 6.34%, (JASO) 6.00%, (CSIQ) 4.72%, (CSUN) 5.85%, (SPWR) 9.65%, (AKNS) 1.22%, (SU) 2.58%.