Thursday, October 22, 2009

Interpreting Government or "Official" Reports part 2

The person overseeing the TARP funds says that they can not account for 350 billion of the then 700 billion given out to the financials as bailouts. Much more money is unaccounted for or it could be thought of as simply stolen from the U.S. taxpayer.  We say that it is stolen from U.S. Taxpayers since as you now know, all money printed in the United States for the Federal Reserve banking system is a debt immediately attached to the tax payer.

The following is a video about the Pentagon which addresses routinely cooking its books:
Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan says the current crisis is much broader than anyone could have imagined...a state of shock and disbelief. This is the same man that accomplished gross financial deregulation that then translated out into our own financial downfall.  A financial deregulation on a scale never before seen.

How can this man, not know what is going on when he and his fellow Fed handlers see what the direct result of deregulation causes across the entire country? He was Fed Chairman during the Saving & Loan debacle. How can he not have seen this economic crisis coming after that? He says that we have the highest standard of living...based on what?...the credit program that has enticed every working man and woman to spend beyond his/her means???

We looked to this man as did the rest of the world, as some financial genius...yet he did not see this coming. This is a lie. And before you blame him directly, let not. He was only face and the mouth for the super secret Federal Reserve Banking System. The same system that is not part of the United States government. The same system that no independantly assigned party nor the U.S. government itself can audit by order of pre-agreement. So how can you believe anything that the Fed reports? How can you stomach the creation of money at your expense, the massive bailouts of financials at your expense, the pushing of credit and mortgage at your expense and peril? With the advent of the Federal Reserve Banking System, we have done away with the Free Market Pricing System of Money which has allowed this financial cartel to make money out of nothing and then charge us for doing so. Its like some kind of fairy tale gone quite mad! We are like Alice in Wonderland, in both awe and confusion at what we see and at what we have happening to if on some kind of drug that we can not say no to (Credit). We then listen in nearly total belief when they say that they are doing something about it and will get things back on track and that things will be better in our lives. When will we stop believing that this is some sort of official report? One that means what the face and mouth of the Fed says? Why do we continue to allow them the power to disrupt our lives in this way?

Its just too easy for reports to say that earnings are coming in above expectations when in the first place; expectations have been lowered to the lowest point in how many years???? And what of the housing situation? They don't seem to be reporting on the rising foreclosures in many areas. What of actual bankruptcies? The non-Fed-family banks are expected to go belly up in the hundreds if not possibly a thousand or so. That would not be happening if it was happy days here again would it?

Americans have been lied to now for so long that you just believe anything you hear on the "Official News" or in the daily news papers. So next report that comes out, don't just believe it. Think about it and know that it is NOT a factual report but that of propaganda-speak. Something that those in power feel that they must do in order to keep the peace.

Americans need to take back the power we've entrusted in such people. We've given away our powers as a people for so long that it has been taken for granted and become corrupted. They tell you what you need to hear in "Official" reports so that you do not rise up, like others the world over when corruption goes too far for too long.