Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Capital Gains & Windfall Taxes

Today, the subject of oil company windfall taxes was defeated by the Republican party. We hope that it will come up again and be passed though we suspect that they will go easy. Of course I'm all for increasing taxes on the huge profits that oil companies are making. Why not? Its windfall profits that we are talking about.

Then, if Obama gets the vote for President of the United States, he proposes to fix the capital gains tax at 28%. Of course this will hurt us as independent traders but I think it is something that we need. We've been hurt by lower taxes as seen with the numerous budget cuts to worthy programs, continued cuts on military health benefits for our soldiers and their families. Of course the crazy war that we've been in on the false face of weapons of mass destruction has not done a bit of good for us as a country either.

The United States of America operates on taxes, gives us our many advantages as U.S. Citizens, and some day will hopefully once again use our tax base to fund alternative low/no damage power technologies. It was once used with our space program (the space race). Instead of hurting others globally, we the citizens, our state and federal representatives, should be using OUR tax money to help the world advance technologies that help the entire planet and everyone living on it.

There is no reason why we can't still make profits from our innovations, improvements, and ecologically safe products while helping even the poorest of the poor in this and in every country!

Apple Stock & Free MarketClub For You!

Yesterday we reiterated the announcement of Apple's new 3G iPhone. Yet the stock dropped $4 bucks! Whats up with that? Today we have more details on the announcement below and then we'll have a video from MarketClub that talks about the stock price.

One other thing that you might well be excited about is that MarketClub is going to be offering their once per year absolutely FREE use of MarketClub for you! This means that you'll have access to many of the members only areas of the site and allow you to get acquainted with the service and even take advantage of its Trade Triangle technology which gives members buy and sell signals on thousands of stocks.


Future1investor has recently become involved with MarketClub and we've seen profits as a result of following the Trade Triangle technology. Included with the profits we've seen a reduction in bad calls and resultant losses. We also benefit greatly from MarketClub training videos that are put out regularly for new subscribers as well as the immensely valuable archive of training seminars (from experienced professional traders/investors) we are able to take part in as part of INO TV. So we will be announcing the absolutely FREE time you can take advantage of with MarketClub very soon. You can use it short term for profits, use the free time as a no cost free trial period or both!

First the details on Apple's new iPhone:

AP Technology Writer

(AP:SAN FRANCISCO) The iPhone will soon be $200 cheaper _ and come with satellite navigation, faster Internet access and other new features _ but higher monthly service charges are likely to erase most of the savings.

Apple Inc. revealed Monday that it has scrapped its pricing plan for the iPhone as it unveiled a model that works over faster wireless networks, addressing key criticisms about the device that have hurt the company’s foray into the cell phone industry.

An 8-gigabyte version with the new features will go for $199 when it goes on sale July 11, and a 16 gigabyte model will cost $299, the Cupertino-based company said.

Current iPhone owners who buy a new model and sign up for a new AT&T contract won’t have to pay any penalties to get out of their current contract, AT&T spokesman Michael Coe said. And anyone who bought an iPhone in an AT&T store after May 26 can return it before Aug. 1 for full credit against a new one _ less a 10 percent restocking fee.

Apple plans to make up the difference in sales revenue with volume _ and with subsidies wireless carriers will now pay for the right to carry the gadget.

In changing the pricing arrangements, Apple is pulling out of revenue-sharing arrangements with some wireless carriers, a move that frees the carriers to charge higher prices for the service.

Apple shares fell $4.03, or 2.2 percent, to close Monday at $181.61 on the news, a sign that some investors were hoping for more and others were taking their profits after a four-month run-up in Apple’s stock price, which leaped from $120 in March.

The new iPhones, initially to be introduced in 22 countries, are designed to work over so-called 3G, or third-generation, wireless networks and have global-positioning technology built in.

They will also support Microsoft Corp.’s Exchange software, an addition that puts the iPhone in more direct competition with Research in Motion Ltd.’s BlackBerry and Palm Inc.’s Treo smart phones and is intended to appeal to the business market.

Analysts have said Apple needed to slash the iPhone’s price and make it usable on faster networks to hit the company’s target of selling 10 million iPhones by the end of 2008. Apple said the 3G iPhones download data twice as fast as the older ones.

Apple Chief Executive Steve Jobs said Apple has sold 6 million iPhones since the first model launched nearly a year ago and 700,000 since March. That points to a steady slowdown in sales starting in the fourth quarter last year as customers waited for a 3G version.

Jobs showed off the new models of the iPhone and about a dozen new applications for the device at Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco.

New applications range from video games that use the iPhone’s motion-sensing technology to guide characters to study tools for medical students and a program that allows users to find nearby cell-phone-carrying friends on a map.

One program brings real-time video highlights and game stats from MLB.com; another creates an Associated Press news feed based on the user’s location and lets users submit news tips to the AP.

Apple also announced a new Web-based service called “MobileMe,” which the company describes as “Exchange _ for the rest of us,” a consumer-friendly way for people to link their iPhones to their home and work computers so updates entered into one device automatically appear in the others.

MobileMe will cost $99 per year and come with 20 gigabytes of online storage.

AT&T Inc., the exclusive U.S. carrier for the iPhone, said service for it will start at $39.99 per month, plus $30 for unlimited data. That works out to a $10 increase from the cheapest plan for the first-generation iPhone; over the course of a two-year contract, that increase wipes out the savings from the price cut Apple announced Monday.

AT&T’s pricing covers only U.S. residents. While iPhone prices will drop outside the U.S. too, it was not clear whether other carriers would raise monthly fees to compensate.

AT&T also warned that it will take an earnings hit due to the pricing because new subsidies it agreed to pay will produce the iPhone price cut _ not a reduction from Apple.

Apple said in a regulatory filing that under most of its new carrier agreements, it will not receive a share of subscribers’ monthly service fees as it has under contracts for the first-generation iPhone.

Jobs said Apple waited to improve the iPhone for use on the faster network because the chips available when the iPhone first came out sapped too much battery life and were too bulky to fit the iPhone’s slim design.

The addition of global-positioning technology improves the iPhone’s accuracy in locating users. Current versions use a combination of cell-phone towers and Wi-Fi locations to help users figure out where they are.

The 1.73 million iPhones Apple sold in the first three month this year gave it a 5.3 percent share of the worldwide smart-phone market, according to research firm Gartner. Apple has been adding overseas markets gradually with carrier deals.

Click Here For the Apple Stock Video