Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Capital Gains & Windfall Taxes

Today, the subject of oil company windfall taxes was defeated by the Republican party. We hope that it will come up again and be passed though we suspect that they will go easy. Of course I'm all for increasing taxes on the huge profits that oil companies are making. Why not? Its windfall profits that we are talking about.

Then, if Obama gets the vote for President of the United States, he proposes to fix the capital gains tax at 28%. Of course this will hurt us as independent traders but I think it is something that we need. We've been hurt by lower taxes as seen with the numerous budget cuts to worthy programs, continued cuts on military health benefits for our soldiers and their families. Of course the crazy war that we've been in on the false face of weapons of mass destruction has not done a bit of good for us as a country either.

The United States of America operates on taxes, gives us our many advantages as U.S. Citizens, and some day will hopefully once again use our tax base to fund alternative low/no damage power technologies. It was once used with our space program (the space race). Instead of hurting others globally, we the citizens, our state and federal representatives, should be using OUR tax money to help the world advance technologies that help the entire planet and everyone living on it.

There is no reason why we can't still make profits from our innovations, improvements, and ecologically safe products while helping even the poorest of the poor in this and in every country!

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