Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Shot In the Arm for Solar

Early morning news gave the solar sector a boost before the bell Wednesday. FOX News analyst, FNC panelist, and executive editor of ChangeWave MicroCap Investor Tobin Smith said: "It's not too late to add stocks with huge growth potential like alternative, renewable energy companies, in an interview on BizRadio. " "green" power technology is only in the "first inning" in the U.S. as we are 1) finally approaching grid parity in 2010-11 where solar energy and coal plants will have equivalent costs per watt-hour and 2) the whole world is going to carbon credits, which will turbo-charge this investment sector. Tobin Smith's ChangeWave investing strategy focuses on new technologies that will transform our business and/or living styles.

Stocks up before the bell: 8:47am (FSLR) 6.34%, (JASO) 6.00%, (CSIQ) 4.72%, (CSUN) 5.85%, (SPWR) 9.65%, (AKNS) 1.22%, (SU) 2.58%.


  1. I need another shot in the arm!!!

  2. Don't worry and hang in there. As you must know from my trading, sometimes it takes a bit of time but does pay off if you are willing to wait 'long' enough. My thought on that however is just don't wait too long and employ trailing stop loss.
    Did you see about Renesolar? The news and stuff? I may write about it this weekend or have it up by Monday morning.
