Thursday, October 8, 2009

Proof You Only Want to Be Mediocre!

The United States of America was a great country because it strived to make technological advances ahead of the rest of the world. The USA wanted to be #1 and for all accounts and purposes, it was. Lets see that word again....WAS!

What has happened to the USA? Has the credit card charge abilities of the mass public made you mediocre? Is the only thing you think about; that next big screen HD TV?

When the US wanted to be #1, it put massive resources into technological research, seeking breakthroughs and viable products that could propel it into the future. That future is now its past, and very little advances have taken place since. It still uses an un-godly amount of crude oil to propel your transportation system and most of that oil is imported. Yet your American owned oil companies made their biggest profits in the country's history. Guess what America? You are the Saudis!

They calm you by repeatedly telling you that the recession is ending yet there are nearly 15 million out of work families. Salaries are falling, as are work hours for the hourly, companies are going part-time without benefits. People are just getting by while others are not. The country's GDP is still falling and debt is rising like a rocket into space. Your country is so out of kilter that without Social Security to steal from and pay some of the debts, you are already in way over your head. Meanwhile, rather than being a country to compete against, the USA is just a country to sell to because there is little here left to buy. Most notable companies have moved off the US shores and taken their jobs with them. All thats left is just an addicted public that frequently over-doses on anything attached to credit, forever the slaves to your financial masters. The same masters that came up with the invention of the Internal Revenue Service; the tax collector that exists solely to pay for money borrowed from the Federal Reserve. Money that makes money from absolutely nothing. Boy! the Fed & Friends have it good don't they!

The U.S. claims that it is spearheading a major effort to accelerate scientific breakthroughs in order to build a new energy economy. It accompanies that to the tune of $777 million dollars in backing (U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science). Hmmmm how many dollars has it spent on the financial debacle lead by the Federal Reserve? Oh you remember, all those banks that made billions off of selling bad loans, and then putting them into a package that carried a AAA rating to sell to unwitting investors, many of the same financial firms who then where handed over how many billions to prevent them from loosing their ill-gotten gains? Money you gave them, so that they could also turn around and pay themselves historic bonuses! You people are out of your minds for letting that happen. You must be a glutton for punishment. Its like the USA is the wild-wild-west of the new criminal world.

Going back to that spearhead....Hmmmm $777 million towards something that might bring the country into sync with some of the rest of the world? Germany, Spain, China are the top three leaders in solar energy already. China has made a mockery of your spearheaded announcement for funding such research. China's effort will equal an impressive $220 BILLION! Just mentioned, China is #3 in Solar. As for Wind energy, the current goal is set for 100 Gigawatt by 2020. They've already begun construction on the first of seven 10 gigawatt wind projects.

South Korea is investing 1.2 percent of its total GDP, or about $30 billion, into new green strategies to drive their own economic recovery. Meanwhile, the United States is investing less than one half of 1 percent of our GDP on clean-energy stimulus programs. But perhaps less than $10B is all the U.S. needs to leap forward technologically, and be #1 again with everyone back to work, the country and its people prosperous once again...... ahem!

Then I guess you believe what they are saying on the news; that your recession is already coming to an end..... ahem!

Your people make me laugh! You are your own reality TV show! Each episode is more outrageous than the last. And while the rest of the world looks on, you are the only ones except for those in the U.K. that don't know what is going on right under your noses because they tell you lies and you think.... What do you think? WHAT ARE YOU THINKING? HELLO! ANYONE IN THERE WITH A BRAIN IN THEIR HEAD?

Who wants to be mediocre? Wait...don't say anything. I'm going to tell you cause you believe everything anyway and this is the real truth. You are mediocre. You've proved it to the rest of the world. You don't care what those Banksters do to you because you are oblivious to the truth. What do they candy-coat their lies with over there with anyway?

Who pity the fool? We don't, not anymore anyway. How sad are you?

In the weeks since I prepared this, a few new bits have surfaced: $3.4 Billion for smart grid investments grant, $6.3 Billion for improvement of bio feedstocks, $32 Million for improved hydro-power. So lets say approx $10 Billion on behalf of the U.S. for alternative energy advancement. Problem is, there seems to be a lack of thrust and importance of this movement. Perhaps the administration is taking the lead from the current energy manufacturers meaning the big U.S. Oil companies...some of who are diversifying into these areas. It is clear however that if this is true, big oil isn't in any big rush to deviate from the product that made historic profits for them last year. And that is despite the fact that there hasn't been any significant oil finds since the late 50's and early 60's. That is with the exception of Alberta Canada!

Alberta Canada has seen major oil companies moving in and literally stripping the land (Alboreal Forest) and turning it into a dump of toxic waste water and cancer killing environment for its residents. But hey! Even the Canadian local government doesn't care because it has brought them the first real significant revenues why should we care eh? What you can see going on in Alberta is like a fast forward movie of what the planet has undergone in the last million years or so. Amazing how it can take thousands and even millions of years to produce a fossil fuel like oil. Yet put humans into the mix and they can suck it all up in about a hundred years or so, and at the peril of their own health, the health of the animal kingdom, and the health of the environment which is supposed to sustain them both. Well guess what? When you take without providing equally in return, you wind up with devastation. The only thing is how long that devastation will take and will anyone care if they aren't alive when it happens? Do they not care about the unborn and the children now growing up in this toxic world we've created? Wheres the profit in that?

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