Thursday, October 8, 2009

Clearing the Air

Please do not be put off by the negative air that you'll read in the upcoming articles. We are in a recession which was caused by entities who were way more concerned for themselves and cared not for the masses that their work affected.

It is necessary to clear the air so-to-speak and allow folks to know what part they played in it and who where the game designers.

Much about the operation of a large country is about sedating the masses. In doing so you limit the uprising, something the USA has not seen in a very long time. This they've mastered, to the degree that we all just keep turning the other cheek. Well our cheeks are battered now, all black and blue. Its time to put a stop to this and wake us the hell up. We need to know the truth and start to think about what to do in order to make things better.

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