Saturday, October 10, 2009

What The Banks Don't Want You to Do!

American consumers are in debt to the tune of $2.5Trillion dollars. This is part of what makes the Fed & Friends continue to find new ways to entice you to buy even more of what you can not truly afford. It is why they lower interest rates. It is why they shower you with credit card offers with perks for using them. But what the banks don't want you to do is to save your money and liberate yourself from your credit cards.

What is the fastest way to save money? Stop using credit and pay off your cards. Those little devils in your purse or wallet are constant temptations to buy something today and pay for it tomorrow. Problem pay, and pay, and pay some more for the privilege of a little piece of plastic. Is it really worth it? Since the start of the recession, banks have been raising interest rates on the average consumer. They know that many are in trouble (reduced wages, hours, or both) they know that you will rely on the card for quick cash or that special present to yourself, even groceries this week and next. So they're jacking up the privilege as much as 29.9% for many. Banks aren't your friend, they only pretend to be.

They fill your statement envelopes with more offers and ways to get the most out of that card and to get the most out of you! They'll even offer to have you skip a payment or two...isn't that nice of them? What they will ever rarely do is suggest that you stop using the card and save hundreds to thousands of dollars a year in interest payments. Even carrying a fairly low balance can eat up valuable buying power if your interest rate is in the double digits.

The banks won't tell you to follow their lead. Banks got overly greedy again and continued with criminal-like zest despite the risks. They got themselves in trouble. What to do? Walk away from the problem/or shove it to the consumer, the tax-payer, the hand that feeds them. The very financials that walked off with big bonuses did so at your expense while your buying power diminished further and your investments shriveled under the heat. You could follow one from their own play-book and walk away from this wholly lopsided obligation. Why should you pay when they addicted you to easy credit? These dealers are the bad guys here, not you. You are just weak minded and they like that an awful lot don't you know? So stop paying more interest on owed interest and fee upon fee. Or what about this: How much are all the bailouts worth on a per tax-payer level? Thats your leverage, your credit, your payment towards the account!

War...Its All About Money, Even At The Cost of Lives!

Think of what you could do with all the money you will save by not using credit. My Father never borrowed money. He wasn't interested in credit. He saved for his homes, cars, and vacations. The savings he amassed by not paying for what he could not afford, allowed him to invest and have a decent retirement account for himself and his wife. While he enjoyed working, he did not have to ask his wife to work because of necessity, except in the very beginning, nor did he need to seek part time work to make ends meet. Not borrowing from the banks or living with credit was a financial boon for he and his spouse. Sure they worked
hard and pinched pennies when needed. But in the end, they didn't need to worry about not having enough to take care of themselves.


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