Friday, October 23, 2009

Is Cleantech Just a Myth?

We don't think CLEANTECH is just a myth; not at all! But from the deplorable action of big oil, coal, and nuclear power companies you'd thing that it was. See the next article (coming soon, above this one) on Coal Companies deplorable reaction to being asked to clean up their act and install air pollution equipment.

Some of what you see on this blog is not new but we'd sure like to help spread the education to those who haven't exactly been finding truths in all the usual places:

The 4 Biggest Lies Told about Alternative Energy

So let's just clear the air. Those public relations hot-shots at Big Oil spent years trying to convince investors and consumers that "cleantech" was really just a myth. A crazy idea with no basis in reality.

It's pathetic, really-- when you think about the depths Big Oil's sunk to in order to keep its massive pockets padded. Of course, their distractions, diversionary tactics, and -- outright lies -- have now been exposed. Take a look. . .

* Outrageous Lie #1 - Wind energy is inefficient and only provides a small amount of electricity.

Absolute hogwash. The U.S. Department of Energy estimates America's wind energy potential to be larger than total U.S. electricity consumption today. Financial News Online estimates the wind sector, which has been developing for more than 10 years in Europe and for about five years in the U.S., could bring in annual revenues of $10 billion to $12 billion.

* Outrageous Lie #2 - Renewable energy can't survive without subsidies

Right. . . that's why "Big Oil" invested more than $58.4 billion of its own money into alternative energy from 2000 to 2008. And, as I mentioned earlier, more than $155 billion was invested in 2008 in clean energy companies and projects worldwide. Does that sound like an industry that can't survive without government handouts? Didn't think so.

* Outrageous Lie #3 - Solar energy can only serve a tiny fraction of U.S. or world electricity needs

Actually, the truth is. . . solar photovoltaic (PV) technology can meet electricity demand on any scale. The solar energy resource in a 100-mile-square area of Nevada could supply the U.S. with its entire electricity demand using modestly efficient commercial PV modules. Bear in mind, the market capitalization for pure-play solar companies has jumped from $1 billion in 2004 to over $118.3 billion today. The carbon based energy companies in the State of Florida which is dubbed the "Sunshine State" keep utility rates artificially low just to thwart interest in alternative energy development. Sad...don't you think? The Sunshine State isn't a model for solar usage in the U.S.A.???

* Outrageous Lie #4 - Geothermal energy is still new and experimental

It's exactly the opposite. Geothermal energy has been used to generate electricity since 1904. Today, the United States has nearly 2,800 MW of geothermal electricity connected to the grid, which generates a yearly average of 15 billion kilowatt hours of power. That's comparable to burning about 25 million barrels of oil... or six million short tons of coal per year.
It's easy to understand why lies like these would be spread.

But now that you know the truth — Want in on a couple more "truths" that might surprise you?

*According to Morgan Stanley, banks will soon become reluctant to lend money to fossil fuel projects. Take a look at this from a Morgan Stanley press release:

Leading Wall Street Banks Establish The Carbon Principles

"The Principles are... Energy efficiency. An effective way to limit CO2 emissions is to not produce them. The signatory financial institutions will encourage clients to invest in cost-effective demand reduction."

Seems that the banks have made their decision — and they're placing their bets squarely on renewable energy.

*Think coal is still our future? Consider this: since 2002, 100 coal plants have been cancelled in the U.S. alone. This trend "demonstrates an undeniable trend of American communities moving beyond coal and toward clean, renewable energy," according to Reuters.

*And don't even think about coal as a possibility in Los Angeles:

"Los Angeles will eliminate the use of electricity made from coal by 2020, replacing it with power from cleaner renewable energy sources, Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa said."

-- Reuters, July 2, 2009

As you can see — the evidence is truly overwhelming. And our future is crystal-clear. Question is; will you be able to find which solar, which wind, which geothermal will shoot to the top of the charts and will you get into the market near the bottom? Or will you catch the wave just before it breaks and miss the next new wave rising from the bottom? This is where most individual investors get in. If you want to make big money, you have got to spend more time researching and watching potentials via a watch-list of ten or fifteen in each category, weeding out one by one as new confirmed data comes in on each company.

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