Friday, June 27, 2008

There Is NO Energy Crisis _ What "THEY" Don't Want You To Know Part 2

Thanks to Google for all the fantastic educational videos we get to see here. Thank you Google for backing Nanosolar. Thanks to GENI and Buckminster Fuller for bringing us these next videos...

There is no energy crisis, just ignorance and a lack of proper leadership among countries, governments, companies, and people. The solution has been around but we have been blinded by politics. We have had propaganda of government and its big business puppeteers turn us into sheep. That same propaganda would have us believe that it just isn't possible to have clean and renewable energy today. Oh! but we have companies like Nanosolar, Energy Conversion Devices (ENER), and many others with individuals that see the need and are trying to fulfill it.

We have what we need to be oil / coal independent far sooner than we have been told. We have the ability to make a better life for ourselves and our children today and in the future. So cry out to your leaders, your representatives in every government in every country on the planet. Lets make this thing work and lets get on the ball already!

A Win-Win Solution

Thirty experts from the United Nations, engineering firms, environmental and electrical engineers gathered to discuss the social, political, environmental and economic benefits of the interconnection of electric power grids across borders with an emphasis on tapping remote renewable energy resources. Hosted by the Winnipeg HVDC Research Institute and Manitoba Hydro, these findings offer a strong case for accelerating the GENI Initiative between all nations as a win-win solution for everyone.

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