Friday, June 27, 2008

AudioCasts of Future1investor Friday Morning


Investing For Normal People

Each week we will summarize all the posts into a one or two week AudioCast page here. You can subscribe to podcasts as they become available or wait for this update and listen to them all easily with one click of the mouse or a'la carte!

If you wish to subscribe to this feed, please click the links below:

Latest articles:
6/27/2008 4:03:39 PM PST
  • “What is good for General Motors is good for America” link
    Fri, 27 Jun 2008 08:32:29 -0700 (2845 KB)
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  • Friday 5 link
    Thu, 26 Jun 2008 20:24:56 -0700 (326 KB)
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  • Response To Article Post: Wow that Sox! link
    Thu, 26 Jun 2008 06:42:35 -0700 (1439 KB)
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  • Goldman Sachs Changes Tune link
    Thu, 26 Jun 2008 05:40:13 -0700 (281 KB)
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  • Thurs Top 5 link
    Thu, 26 Jun 2008 04:35:38 -0700 (343 KB)
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  • UK Prime Minister Vows Dramatic Renewable Energy Program link
    Thu, 26 Jun 2008 04:22:12 -0700 (885 KB)
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  • Alaskans Gets A Royal Screwin & Big Oil Smiles With Pleasure link
    Wed, 25 Jun 2008 18:49:19 -0700 (2187 KB)
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  • Tuesday Top 5 link
    Tue, 24 Jun 2008 14:04:18 -0700 (371 KB)
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  • Social Networking Power Seeps Into Applications link
    Tue, 24 Jun 2008 12:02:53 -0700 (2077 KB)
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  • Doesn't Hurt to Ask! link
    Tue, 24 Jun 2008 10:10:40 -0700 (386 KB)
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“What is good for General Motors is good for America”

For those of you who did not take advantage of the FREE look into MarketClub, a tool we live by and for those who have but have not had the time to really get into all they have to offer, I am reposting a blog post written by one of the founders Adam Hewison. I'm doing so because not only does it follow-up to my previous posts regarding electric vehicles and our country's need to get on the ball, but it shows how MarketClub can be used when a stock is going down, as well as up! This is the case for General Motors (GM). You can read the entire piece here too if you like.

“What is good for General Motors is good for America”

Back in 1955, Charlie Wilson, then chairman of General Motors Corp. made this somewhat pompous statement. Here we are, some 53 years later and look what is happening to the stock of General Motors (NYSE_GM). This stock is at a 53 year low and shows no signs of turning around.

So the question becomes, what happened to America and General Motors? How did this company lose its edge in the marketplace?


Digging through the history of GM, I found one fascinating item. GM developed an electric car back in 1996 when gas was $1.28 a gallon! They named the battery powered car the EV1 and then basically scrapped it in 2002.

Today there is very little evidence that this car was ever in existence. I am sure you’re thinking right about how we could sure use a car like that today with gas prices trading over $4.00 a gallon.

When you look at the stock of General Motors, you’ll see that the high for the stock in the last eight years was around $68 in 2002. What’s interesting is that high point in the stock was right around the time GM scrapped its EV1 car.

So what happened to GM’s first electric car? GM claims there was not enough public demand. That could be, but I think the story is a lot more complicated than that.

You can see all the GM - Big Oil conspiracy theories in the movie


From a business standpoint, why would GM want to improve something that would kill the goose that lays the golden egg? General Motors tends to make most of its money on sales of replacement parts. Up to 40% of its profits come from selling replacement parts for existing GM automobiles, so why would they sabotage their own cash flow?

Unlike a gasoline driven car, which has many moving parts, an electrical car like the GM’s EV1 has very few parts to go wrong, so therefore part sales and cash flow would go right into the tank for GM. The other perception problem GM has with an all electric car with zero emissions is this: if GM produces an all electric clean car with zero emissions, it’s making an admission that all of their other cars are dirty, spew out harmful emissions and pollute the planet.

But look at how GM got it wrong. This may be one of the biggest blunders ever in American corporate history. GM took the lead in electric car technology (smart move), but was not convinced that they as a company could be profitable selling electric cars.


One fascinating piece of information is that GM acquired advanced battery technology from Ovonic’s in the form of a NiMH battery. This battery produces a stronger, longer lasting charge, and was the ideal battery for their second generation of EV1 cars. What came out later was truly a shocker, GM sold this amazing battery technology along with the patent (dumb move) to Texaco who was later taken over by Chevron. Now Chevron owns the technology and the patent!

You have to ask yourself the question… why would an oil company be interested in purchasing advanced battery technology from a major car producer like GM?

I’ll let you draw your own conclusions.

Fast forward to 2008 when everyone is mad as H#LL for having to pay over $4.00 for a gallon of gas. Back in 1996 when GM launched the EV1 with very little fanfare, the cost of gas was around $1.28 a gallon.

Why GM decided to scrap the EV1 and look for short-term profits in big cars as opposed to building and preparing to adopt a different business model is still a mystery and one that has decimated GM’s stock price in the last five years.

The automobile business has not changed in almost a century and the industry appears reluctant to embrace change. It would now appear that GM’s business model like many of its big cars is rapidly becoming outdated and destined for dinosaur land.


Let’s take a look at the GM stock chart and see how you would have fared had you purchased GM stock at $68 in 2003. Then let’s look at the same stock using a MarketClub’s proactive approach. As you can see the results of a buy and hold strategy have been a disaster losing 79% of its value for all share holders while the proactive results have been quite stellar.


If a major company like General Motors can fall to a 53 year low, so can any stock on the big board.

Readers of this blog know that MarketClub uses a proactive approach when taking positions in the marketplace. The world has changed, and it has changed not only for GM but for many other mature companies that are using business models and products that are rapidly becoming outdated and will prove to be noncompetitive in the long run.

Original Posting

Friday 5

Response To Article Post: Wow that Sox!

Goldman Sachs Changes Tune

UK Prime Minister Vows Dramatic Renewable Energy Program

Prime Minister Brown today reaffirmed that the UK will spend $100 billion on a dramatic new energy program. The $100 billion will come from private business and encouraged through financial incentives in a speech to come from its business secretary, John Hutton.

Alaskans Gets A Royal Screwin & Big Oil Smiles With Pleasure

Did anyone drop their bagel mid-bite or spit out their coffee when the news Exxon was getting a pat on the hand came through today?

Not long after our dear President Bush indicated that he wanted to put the pipe to more pristine Alaskan territory in that bravado tone he uses...
The $2.5 billion in punitive damages formerly decided against Exxon for the sea of thick black crude it disastrously puked upon Alaska's wildlife and way of life was all but dropped today.

Tax paying Americans, and every TV watcher with a heart and soul worldwide, wept tears of sorrow for the countless suffocating, devastated, and dead creatures of God's design.

The persons of the Supreme Court of the United States deemed that the original ruling should be slashed because it was excessive under maritime law. Instead it has lowered the punishment, not in half but less than a fourth to just over $507 million dollars.

Big oil must be smiling with supreme pleasure. Exxon earned just over $40 billion in the year 2007 alone. Which basically amounts to a minor traffic violation fee for what it was responsible for. The amount won't even come anywhere near to covering the losses families have been forced to endure as they themselves saw their way of life literally drown in the thick, sick sludge which poured from the tanker at 11,300,000 gallons in just a few hours. The result was an oil slick the size of 3,000 sq. miles which has caused a lasting effect still 19 years later.

We can not embed the video here because while they have not been able to prevent the video from being archived, they have managed to prevent the video from spilling out all over the internet. Instead, you'll have to see it by clicking on this link.

If you are a stock holder of Exxon (XOM), you have Supreme Court Justice David Souter to thank for keeping your stock price where it is at today.

Tonight we pray for the souls of the Exxon Board of Directors.
However we doubt they will put things right because they take pleasure in the now and obviously are not worried for their future.
Punishment for the damned

Punishment for the damned (see also the last paragraph)

As of last August 2007, the Exxon Valdez still rode the waters of the world as the S/R Mediterranean. The new name was given in 1990 after 1,500 metric tons of steel were removed and replaced in repairs following the incident.

FROM Wikipedia:
The Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers International Union, representing approximately 40,000 workers nationwide, announced opposition to drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) until Congress enacted a comprehensive national energy policy. In the aftermath of the spill, Alaska governor Steve Cowper issued an executive order requiring two tugboats to escort every loaded tanker from Valdez out through Prince William Sound to Hinchinbrook Entrance. As the plan evolved in the 1990s, one of the two routine tugboats was replaced with a 210 foot (64 m) Escort Response Vehicle (ERV). The majority of tankers at Valdez are still single-hulled, but Congress has enacted legislation requiring all tankers to be double-hulled by 2015.

In 1991, following the collapse of the local marine population (particularly clams, herring, and seals) the Chugach Native American group went bankrupt[26]

Many of the real estate appraisal methods used to value contaminated property and brownfields were developed as a result of and following the spill. The use of survey research (e.g. contingent valuation and conjoint measurement) became a well-accepted appraisal method as a result of the complex valuation problems associated with contamination.[27]

According to several studies funded by the state of Alaska, the spill had both short- and long term economic effects. These included the loss of recreational sports fisheries, reduced tourism, and an estimate of what economists call "existence value," which is the value to the public of a pristine Prince William Sound.[28][29][30]

WikiScanner discovered changes made from within Exxon Mobil, altering this article's descriptions of the oil spill and down playing its severity.

Social Networking Power Seeps Into Applications

I have been letting my views and opinions out onto the vast WorldWideWeb now since before most of you readers were even born! I organized the largest number of System Operators (Sysops) ever to meet in one place. Now that says quite a lot as my learned scholarly and entrepreneurial business friends would say.

It would be nice to know that some of my rants and raves such as the one which took out every point of Microsoft's first online published ROI white paper was read and understood. That an intelligent person or team of individuals would find great value in my quality assurance background and position as a consumer advocate.

Well years later, it seems that Microsoft is now attempting to be a little more consumer caring. And it looks like possibly my rant on the uselessness of FaceBook but promotion of social networking sites is being heard.
There are many who are against the internet and use of the web as a way to meet others and collaborate without being able to physically touch or sit in the same office. Some of those concerns are quite valid BUT there are too many positives as well as practical needs for it not to be pursued and developed. No matter how much we wish to prevent Pervs, stalkers, and other negative people in our physical and online life we will never be rid of them no matter what is done. In fact trying to do so online may prevent great productivities from being achieved.

Today we have help (sometimes questionable) from telecenters in India, we have distant learning of which I participated in one of the few way back in the '80s. Do you remember the early online virtual worlds?

I was also part of those early renditions which were exciting but clunky attempts to bring people together online. Well today, Sony and a couple handfuls of other companies have gotten behind the dream to develop this further. And we will eventually see truly productive applications linking people together in both a purely social as well as purely business, educational, and entertaining ways.

One of my Canadian friends turned me onto BlogTV. This is a social networking site that has been around awhile and allows anyone to use their web cam to host a show and even have a co-host on with you from anywhere else in the world! Granted some of the blogTV hosts are quite lame but it gives them an outlet for social interaction which can be for pure fun or for other things. I plan on using blogTV as a way for my online neighbors and friends to chime in on my interest for trading/investing and all things technology. Of course there are other ways but this is simple and fun!

BlogTV Weekly

You can have audio, draw on the screen, kick people out for inappropriate behavior and build a network of followers. Unlike Facebook you don't have a zillion widgets wanting your attention. It is purely an audio/visual world where the host creates whatever kind of show he/she chooses.

This this month we were delighted to stumble upon a brand new site that gets to the point of what we want in a social networking application. It uses an educational bent along with the social networking attraction. The site is called MarketEDU. The best way to describe it is to quote directly: "MARKETEDU.COM is the first financial education website to combine Interactive Rich Media Technologies and World Class Finance Expertise together in one expansive online community. 30 Years of financial experience has been combined with cutting edge award winning, interactive design to deliver the most accessible user friendly financial web community on the globe."

If you have any interest in investing or trading, then I encourage you to become a registered member. You'll find a site that is rich in multimedia and friendly, hence the social networking side of it.


Since technology is constantly improving and people wish to further push the limits of possibility; social networking will become a key feature in more and more applications to come. I for one look forward to the next pipe dream becoming reality. Perhaps you'll play an integral part and have your fifteen minutes of fame!

There Is NO Energy Crisis_What "They" Don't Want You To Know Part 1

These two Australian partners have come up with a generator that creates power infinitum and can be used in your household to generate free power. What will be the key thing to watch is how quickly this invention is squashed! Yes folks its been done many, many times before. Whenever an invention that can put some big business out of business comes to reality, it is quickly squashed as we call it and that invention is never talked of, seen, or heard of again. That is, until folks like us bring it back to life.

Long Life Electrical Generation For Home

100% Efficient Water/Steam Generator

A Look Inside The Almost Fuel-less Boiler Pump

There Is NO Energy Crisis _ What "THEY" Don't Want You To Know Part 2

Thanks to Google for all the fantastic educational videos we get to see here. Thank you Google for backing Nanosolar. Thanks to GENI and Buckminster Fuller for bringing us these next videos...

There is no energy crisis, just ignorance and a lack of proper leadership among countries, governments, companies, and people. The solution has been around but we have been blinded by politics. We have had propaganda of government and its big business puppeteers turn us into sheep. That same propaganda would have us believe that it just isn't possible to have clean and renewable energy today. Oh! but we have companies like Nanosolar, Energy Conversion Devices (ENER), and many others with individuals that see the need and are trying to fulfill it.

We have what we need to be oil / coal independent far sooner than we have been told. We have the ability to make a better life for ourselves and our children today and in the future. So cry out to your leaders, your representatives in every government in every country on the planet. Lets make this thing work and lets get on the ball already!

A Win-Win Solution

Thirty experts from the United Nations, engineering firms, environmental and electrical engineers gathered to discuss the social, political, environmental and economic benefits of the interconnection of electric power grids across borders with an emphasis on tapping remote renewable energy resources. Hosted by the Winnipeg HVDC Research Institute and Manitoba Hydro, these findings offer a strong case for accelerating the GENI Initiative between all nations as a win-win solution for everyone.

Solar Energy Cost Reductions

Why Are We So Contradictory?

Never have we seen such double-talk / double-action in this world as we are seeing in our own back yard. USA and China are the two largest producers of energy now in the world. Though out of the two, the USA remains king of the hill for energy consumption per person. Of course along with that, pollution and climate degradation goes hand in hand.

Earlier in this blog, we brought back the story of how our government along with the car manufacturers and oil companies killed the electric car some years ago. Killed it because it didn't suit the profit model of the car companies and big oil. Killed it because some of the government puppeteer positions are partly held by both these industries.

On one hand, government spouts ecology, conservationism, energy independence, and having a people's choice in all matters. Then they go and do the exact opposite. Or better yet, they say they are for this or that, while doing little to bring it to reality with the importance and time-frame required to make it actionable. The only side that really seems to do anything of purpose is the people's side. More exactly, individuals and their companies who see the obvious needs and strive to fulfill them. But the problem to that is what also needs to happen is that government needs to take a true stand, and then either support efforts by these people or oppose them rather than double-talk and double-action.

For instance, this month, the US and China held the fourth China-US Economic Dialogue. The so called purpose of this is to promote long-term co-operation in energy, the environment and other related areas.

The Chinese government gives high priority to energy and resources conservation and the protection of the environment. They are speeding up the demonstration and promotion of the industrialization of energy-conserving and pollution-reducing technologies and adopting higher standards on energy conservation in major energy-intensive industries, such as iron, steel, non-ferrous metals, coal, electric power, petrochemicals and building materials, as well as in the construction and transport sectors. They are vigorously developing the circular economy and working to reduce energy consumption per 10,000 renminbi of gross domestic product by 20% by 2010 from the 2005 level.

The Chinese are developing renewable energy, promoting the use of hydropower, wind power, solar power, methane and biomass energy. They are planting more trees and better protecting natural forests and increasing the percentage of natural reserves.

What are we doing in our back yard?

President Bush wants to drill for oil in Alaska's pristine ecologically sensitive areas.

Washington's energy policy is to tax successful energy sources and subsidize unsuccessful ones.

A recent poll showed that 94 percent of Americans feel it is important for the U.S. to develop and use solar energy. A vast majority supported extending Federal tax credits for renewable energy.

H.R. 6049, a bill that would extend solar and other renewable energy tax credits would have legislation to extended the residential and commercial tax credits for solar energy for eight years. It is supported by a diverse coalition including manufacturers, construction firms, environmental groups, electric utilities, chemical companies, banks, investors, labor, public health and religious organizations, trade associations and many others.

What happened to the bill?

U.S. Senate, defeated it!

What happens now?

The loss of more than 116,000 jobs and $19 billion in investment in 2009 in the solar and wind energy industries alone!

What could this bill bring?

  • Tens of thousands of American jobs
  • Stabilize rising energy costs for families and businesses
  • Help us achieve national energy security
We are no longer a "government of the people, by the people, and for the people" Not unless the people spoken of are the rich minority, the corrupt politicians, and those in government that stay but bend to the will of the rich and corrupt.

Makes Me Crazy!

You have to eliminate emotions from your trading decisions which is one of the biggest advantages of using MarketClub (see previous post).

You also have to eliminate the NOISE which there are tons! of when you watch CNBC and especially the CNBC Jester they call Cramer. The video here is the best example of how noise can deter you from making a trade decision based on "doing your homework" vs. giving up and letting someone else TELL you what to do. If you want to see red, if you want to feel what its like in the House of Pain, then by all means, do what Cramer says and get back in line with all the other sheep who won't do their own homework.

We'd like to thank Don Harrold and of course Jim Cramer for helping us see the light...Hallelujah!

Manipulation Continues

We for one are firm believers that insiders associated with Goldman Sachs are taking advantage of GS market manipulations. Just days after good news of a merger nearing, a GS analyst downgraded the stock saying that demand for satellite has diminished. Again, walking the line of truth, the effect of this sent the stock into a glorious discount as millions of shares were sold at the current price and then slowly re-bought. It is our opinion that this was done with intention and those privy to the pre-announcement bought into SIRI after the 28 million share

buyers a serious discount.

During the Future1investor's Conference in Cabo this spring, several folks talked of their appreciation of satellite radio with one of the investors saying that he could never go back to the old radio. In fact he and his wife purchased a life-time subscription to satellite radio and they say that they can't wait for Sirius Backseat TV. "With two young children who you have to drive around all the time, this is a must!" said the investor. His family enjoys satellite radio in all their vehicles and while sunning and swimming at their back yard pool.

Sirius is featured in over 150 new car models from 24 different brands from Audi through Volvo.

SIRIUS Backseat TV is a pioneering service that delivers live TV from three of the best family networks — Nickelodeon, Disney Channel and Cartoon Network, to the video screens of select vehicles equipped with a SIRIUS Backseat TV receiver. For added flexibility, rear-seat passengers can enjoy SIRIUS Backseat TV while front-seat occupants listen to SIRIUS Satellite Radio. The system can be operated from either the rear-seat entertainment unit or the radio head unit in the front of the vehicle.

SIRIUS Backseat TV lineup
See Nickelodeon schedule
Nickelodeon service includes popular shows such as SpongeBob SquarePants, Dora the Explorer and The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius.
See Disney Channel schedule
Disney Channel includes popular shows like Hannah Montana, Cory in the House, The Suite Life of Zack & Cody, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and My Friends Tigger & Pooh.
See Cartoon Network Mobile lineup
Cartoon Network Mobile includes short-form programming ranging from two to eleven minutes each, and includes Chowder™, My Gym Partner's a Monkey™, and Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends™.

The company also has 37 job openings with the majority in its New York operations. It also has a fall internship program.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Top 5 Picks

Everyone has a top ten list so we are going to have one each day too! These are our top 5 stock picks with volume exceeding 1 million.
  • Canadian Solar (CSIQ)
  • Advanced Micro Devices (AMD)
  • Wyeth (WYE)
  • Monsanto (MON)
  • Sociedad Quimica Chile (SQM)
These are stocks we like as a buy. Watch the technicals closely as they may turn quickly.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Heavenly Bodies Finally Get Approval!

XM and Sirius (SIRI) satellite radio FINALLY got approval today from the FCC after a long, long 16 month review.
Now we'll see how long it takes to do the actual deal. Hopefully its very soon so that we can see a huge pop! in the stock price. As of right now the stock is at $2.66 with over 53,650,000 shares volume!


Federal Communications Commission Chairman Kevin Martin confirmed published reports that he would support the transaction, with the companies agreeing to a series of conditions.

Those conditions include a pledge to make 24 radio channels available for noncommercial and minority programming, according to FCC sources. In addition, the companies would agree to cap prices, provide interoperable radios and offer programming on an "a la carte" basis.

"I am recommending that with the voluntary commitments they've offered, on balance, this transaction would be in the public interest," Martin said in a statement.

Martin's proposal to approve the deal could be circulated among the other commissioners as soon as this week, the FCC sources said. As the number of cars with built-in satellite radio has increased, both services are still adding subscribers, who pay about $13 a month for more than 100 channels of music, news and talk programming. XM ended the first quarter with about 9.3 million subscribers, vs. 8.6 million for Sirius.

Last year one of the companies announced subscribers would be able to choose 50 channels for $6.99 -- a 46 % decrease from the current standard subscription rate of $12.95. Customers could then add more channels for a minimum of 25 cents each.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Fathers Day!

You may have noticed if you ever click on the first link near the top of my recent entries here that it directs you to another site of mine. I prefer writing my blog over there but try to maintain it here for those of my readers who are primarily only folks.

Fathers Day

For our readers (Fathers and family members) today on Father's Day we are giving you a one day advance access to the two weeks FREE at MarketClub.

MarketClub is a tool that we use in our trading that utilizes what they call trade triangles to help you find enter and exit points that weigh heavily in your favor bringing you the most profits for your trades.

Without further fan you go!

Happy Father's Day!

If you have any questions just send them here and we'll help you.

These 3 Markets Will Change Everything

June 13

In preparation for the 2 week FREE trial at MarketClub that we told you about recently, Adam produced the video below to help prepare members for what he, and MarketClub, believes will be the direction of three very important markets: US Dollar, Gold, and Crude Oil

We are sharing this with our readers because we know that MarketClub has helped us normal traders/investors and that it can help you too! Check this out and see how simple using MarketClub makes it for you and how these support videos are a valuable training and reinforcement on the use of an already simple service, plus gives you additional insight for making more money in the market. You will get a personal email with a special page embedded video. They wish to know how many people and where in the world you are viewing this video from; and its a promotion now to our Future1investor readers to this wonderful service which we use!

Every once in a while there comes a time in the market when you
get to see some amazing trading opportunities.

I believe this could be one of those times.

In this special private video I analyze in detail the
upcoming major moves in three major markets. This just
maybe the most important video I have ever made on these
three markets and I want you to see it.

Adam Hewison


Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Capital Gains & Windfall Taxes

Today, the subject of oil company windfall taxes was defeated by the Republican party. We hope that it will come up again and be passed though we suspect that they will go easy. Of course I'm all for increasing taxes on the huge profits that oil companies are making. Why not? Its windfall profits that we are talking about.

Then, if Obama gets the vote for President of the United States, he proposes to fix the capital gains tax at 28%. Of course this will hurt us as independent traders but I think it is something that we need. We've been hurt by lower taxes as seen with the numerous budget cuts to worthy programs, continued cuts on military health benefits for our soldiers and their families. Of course the crazy war that we've been in on the false face of weapons of mass destruction has not done a bit of good for us as a country either.

The United States of America operates on taxes, gives us our many advantages as U.S. Citizens, and some day will hopefully once again use our tax base to fund alternative low/no damage power technologies. It was once used with our space program (the space race). Instead of hurting others globally, we the citizens, our state and federal representatives, should be using OUR tax money to help the world advance technologies that help the entire planet and everyone living on it.

There is no reason why we can't still make profits from our innovations, improvements, and ecologically safe products while helping even the poorest of the poor in this and in every country!

Apple Stock & Free MarketClub For You!

Yesterday we reiterated the announcement of Apple's new 3G iPhone. Yet the stock dropped $4 bucks! Whats up with that? Today we have more details on the announcement below and then we'll have a video from MarketClub that talks about the stock price.

One other thing that you might well be excited about is that MarketClub is going to be offering their once per year absolutely FREE use of MarketClub for you! This means that you'll have access to many of the members only areas of the site and allow you to get acquainted with the service and even take advantage of its Trade Triangle technology which gives members buy and sell signals on thousands of stocks.


Future1investor has recently become involved with MarketClub and we've seen profits as a result of following the Trade Triangle technology. Included with the profits we've seen a reduction in bad calls and resultant losses. We also benefit greatly from MarketClub training videos that are put out regularly for new subscribers as well as the immensely valuable archive of training seminars (from experienced professional traders/investors) we are able to take part in as part of INO TV. So we will be announcing the absolutely FREE time you can take advantage of with MarketClub very soon. You can use it short term for profits, use the free time as a no cost free trial period or both!

First the details on Apple's new iPhone:

AP Technology Writer

(AP:SAN FRANCISCO) The iPhone will soon be $200 cheaper _ and come with satellite navigation, faster Internet access and other new features _ but higher monthly service charges are likely to erase most of the savings.

Apple Inc. revealed Monday that it has scrapped its pricing plan for the iPhone as it unveiled a model that works over faster wireless networks, addressing key criticisms about the device that have hurt the company’s foray into the cell phone industry.

An 8-gigabyte version with the new features will go for $199 when it goes on sale July 11, and a 16 gigabyte model will cost $299, the Cupertino-based company said.

Current iPhone owners who buy a new model and sign up for a new AT&T contract won’t have to pay any penalties to get out of their current contract, AT&T spokesman Michael Coe said. And anyone who bought an iPhone in an AT&T store after May 26 can return it before Aug. 1 for full credit against a new one _ less a 10 percent restocking fee.

Apple plans to make up the difference in sales revenue with volume _ and with subsidies wireless carriers will now pay for the right to carry the gadget.

In changing the pricing arrangements, Apple is pulling out of revenue-sharing arrangements with some wireless carriers, a move that frees the carriers to charge higher prices for the service.

Apple shares fell $4.03, or 2.2 percent, to close Monday at $181.61 on the news, a sign that some investors were hoping for more and others were taking their profits after a four-month run-up in Apple’s stock price, which leaped from $120 in March.

The new iPhones, initially to be introduced in 22 countries, are designed to work over so-called 3G, or third-generation, wireless networks and have global-positioning technology built in.

They will also support Microsoft Corp.’s Exchange software, an addition that puts the iPhone in more direct competition with Research in Motion Ltd.’s BlackBerry and Palm Inc.’s Treo smart phones and is intended to appeal to the business market.

Analysts have said Apple needed to slash the iPhone’s price and make it usable on faster networks to hit the company’s target of selling 10 million iPhones by the end of 2008. Apple said the 3G iPhones download data twice as fast as the older ones.

Apple Chief Executive Steve Jobs said Apple has sold 6 million iPhones since the first model launched nearly a year ago and 700,000 since March. That points to a steady slowdown in sales starting in the fourth quarter last year as customers waited for a 3G version.

Jobs showed off the new models of the iPhone and about a dozen new applications for the device at Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco.

New applications range from video games that use the iPhone’s motion-sensing technology to guide characters to study tools for medical students and a program that allows users to find nearby cell-phone-carrying friends on a map.

One program brings real-time video highlights and game stats from; another creates an Associated Press news feed based on the user’s location and lets users submit news tips to the AP.

Apple also announced a new Web-based service called “MobileMe,” which the company describes as “Exchange _ for the rest of us,” a consumer-friendly way for people to link their iPhones to their home and work computers so updates entered into one device automatically appear in the others.

MobileMe will cost $99 per year and come with 20 gigabytes of online storage.

AT&T Inc., the exclusive U.S. carrier for the iPhone, said service for it will start at $39.99 per month, plus $30 for unlimited data. That works out to a $10 increase from the cheapest plan for the first-generation iPhone; over the course of a two-year contract, that increase wipes out the savings from the price cut Apple announced Monday.

AT&T’s pricing covers only U.S. residents. While iPhone prices will drop outside the U.S. too, it was not clear whether other carriers would raise monthly fees to compensate.

AT&T also warned that it will take an earnings hit due to the pricing because new subsidies it agreed to pay will produce the iPhone price cut _ not a reduction from Apple.

Apple said in a regulatory filing that under most of its new carrier agreements, it will not receive a share of subscribers’ monthly service fees as it has under contracts for the first-generation iPhone.

Jobs said Apple waited to improve the iPhone for use on the faster network because the chips available when the iPhone first came out sapped too much battery life and were too bulky to fit the iPhone’s slim design.

The addition of global-positioning technology improves the iPhone’s accuracy in locating users. Current versions use a combination of cell-phone towers and Wi-Fi locations to help users figure out where they are.

The 1.73 million iPhones Apple sold in the first three month this year gave it a 5.3 percent share of the worldwide smart-phone market, according to research firm Gartner. Apple has been adding overseas markets gradually with carrier deals.

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