Saturday, May 31, 2008

Who Killed the Electric Car? parts 1 - 9

May 30

I have been telling people about this for a couple years now and for some reason, people don't believe me and won't even rent it from Netflix (NFLX)to see for themselves. Yeah! what the frack! its a SciFi film. WHAT?!!?

NOTE: if you find that the videos sound funny, scroll down to the next article "You Gotta Love 42 MPG With Today's Gas Prices and click the stop button on the video in that article. Also you can hit the pause button on the video and wait for the whole thing to get downloaded to your computer's cache before playing.

from FreeGlobalEnergy:
The GM EV1 had a $4000.00 incentive to buy this car forced to build by congress yet (GM) gave $100,000.00 tax incentive to buy the largest most gas guzzling vehicle on the road, the Hummer, otherwise this would have been merely impossible to sell such a rediculous concept.
An electric car is 35% - 97% cleaner than a comparable gas car, including the pollution generated by the electric power plant. The 35% number applies to states using a lot of "dirty" power, such as coal-fired plants. The 97% number applies to states like California that use a lot of "clean" power, including hydro, nuclear, wind, and solar.
Also, there is ongoing research to make flywheel energy storage systems that can replace conventional chemical batteries for mobile applications, such as for electric vehicles. Proposed flywheel systems would eliminate many of the disadvantages of existing battery power systems.

They started out with defective Delco batteries when they already had access to better batteries, after many complaints they switched to the better batteries, everyone who leased them loved them, GM almost always builds superior American cars and built this one too good, it was definitely a threat to oil as a solar charging infrastructure was already being built. When GM pulled the plug so did Toyota's Rav-4 EV which gets equivalent to 154MPG comparing grid KW to gas at 2005 prices.

Also check out this supporting site from Sony (SNE). It gives the whole time line and data seen in the film for more ponderous reading and exploration. Click Here

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